Saturday, February 06, 2010

Winter is

Today Micah and I were talking about how ready we are for summer to come back - that we would readily accept spring, anything but the snow and cold cold COLD. But then I was thinking about it. Its already February 6th. December and January absolutely raced by, And to be honest it feels like maybe its been a month since the snow came.

Not that I would knock a vacation, but this winter I am not actually begging to go find Kauai vacation rentals to escape the cold!

February is a short month, there are only three more weeks of it, and it sometimes, not ofthen, but sometimes, starts tow arm up in march, but for sure by the end of April it will be melting, and summer warmth cannot be long after that.

I can do this winter thing. I've been so cold, so often the last few months but at the same time, I feel that it's OK, and that it IS going to pass, I'm not so desperate and bitchy for summer this year, and its a nice change!

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