Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bubble Time!

Im so looking forward to tonight's bath. I piggy backed onto Blake's Library card this afternoon when I took him to the library to return the old, and pick out new books.

I had been wanting to read Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, but was very leery knowing it was CO-written by him, not solely written by him, so i was pleased to find it in the library today. I did not see the rest of the series with it, but that doesn't matter, becuase if the book is good, i will buy the series myself.

Blake passed up reference books on hgh pills to bring home a book on Great White sharks, As well as two encyclopedic type books, one on Siberian Tigers, and one on Komodo Dragons.

Very soon I will be gathering a nice thick towel, pulling a bottle of ice cold water from the refrigerator, and sinking into a HOT, bubble filled bath, and that makes me happy.

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