Monday, March 26, 2007


I'm very tired and I want to go to bed but I am stuck, chained to this slow and stupid computer waiting for some videos to load to you tube. I wish there was a way to do this on the lap top upstairs where it goes much much faster, but JJ said there is just no enough memory to have the photos stored up on the lap top.

I want to blow my nose but not enough to get off this chair and get a tissue. some would think I am lazy but that isn't the case. See if I get up, I will forget I am in the middle of something and never get back to it.

I always have weird dreams at night I wonder what I will dream of tonight?


Sans Pantaloons said...

I hope the toothache is better if not fixed. Provided both machines have USB, you could buy a USB thumbdrive and load the vids to that, then take that to the laptop.

Summer will soon be here...

Sans Pantaloons said...

Just messing around. I hope you don't mind.

Bluepaintred said...

hey! how did you do that? way way too cool! i love it! this summer i am going to shoot the same shot (hopefully) in my backyard