Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mornings suck

Thismorning I stumbled out of bed and made the coffee. I forgot to turn on the timer last night.

I waited and waited and ate my mini wheats and waited some more for the coffee to brew and when it finally did i got up to grab a cuppa that heavenly juice.

I took my cup from the sink, I used it all yesterday and last night i had just put it int he sink. I filled it and I drank the whole cup.

I thought my coffee tasted a bit off, but it is morning, am I eve awake enough to notice things like that?

Finally, as I get to the last quarter of coffee in the cup I glanced in the mug . Guess what I saw.

sunflower seeds. Hot damn! I forgot i had used my mug to spit out the seeds last night while I was surfing and this morning I just poured and drank.

Next time I'm gonna look, even if it IS morning!