Friday, March 19, 2010

The Bunny is Coming

Easter is at the very beginning of April this year, the fourth I believe, and we are ready. its hard to not be ready becuase this year we are doing something very different that what we normally do, which is spread tonnes of chocolate all over the house and make the kids find it. We used to spend about 100-150 dollars on chocolate and treats and spread it around, but becuase I am Anal about their candy eating, most of the chocolate either went in me, or in the trash.

This year we bough a set of seven star dragon balls from the anime cartoon, dragon balls(and Z), and we are going to hide them along with one of those little mesh bags of chocolate eggs that cost 1.29.

The kids are in love with the TV show, the games and the books, so we thought it would be more fun to have a scavenger hunt for the balls then to waste chocolate on them that I am not even going to let them eat.

Plus, its gonna be super hard for me to insert weight loss pills into the chocolate bunnies so I can justify eating them this year!

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