Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ahh yes. Winter

Last night brought us five new inches of snow, freezing rain, and a flu bug.

So far as I know, only one of us has it, and he has been segregated onto the couch with a Scooby Doo movie and a bucket.

I have my fingers crossed that the baby wakes up fine. He tends to be a follower in matters of germs. If one of us has it, he has it too. I have a feeling it is his unbridled passion for kissing that does it.

It is times like this that I am glad that by the age of one the kids all had been taught how to aim for a toilet or a bucket. I would hate to try and scrub puke from the floors!


carrie said...

Oh I hear ya...that was one of the first tricks I taught my kids, puke in the bucket...(((hugs)) and prayers for no other sickies!

Fireflower said...

There's always the thrill of infants puking down your back unexpectedly. One second they're fine. The next, warm stuff all over you and them and a very confused look on their face. The second thing I learned as a new mom was to get the mess on me instead of them. I always figured it was easier to then lay them down to get me cleaned up.

Hope you're all feeling better soon and that your baby doesn't get this.