Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

I can never seem to keep track of what the theme for the Thursday Thirteen Meme is, so I makeup my own - When I remember it's Thursday, that is!

So, this Thursday's theme (for me) will be job descriptions!

My job description would be :

1. Mother
2. Cleaning lady
3. Personal Shopper
4. Laundry Attendant
5. Personal Chauffeur
6. Chef
7. Debate Moderator
8. Part planner
9. Secretary
10. Tutor/Teacher
11. Artist
12. Director (of plays)
13. Nurse/Doctor

I originally wanted to also do job descriptions for Hubs and the boys, but when I tired I realized I cannot think of enough items for them! Oops!


Marilyn said...

It seems like the moms always have more jobs than anybody. Of course, I'm biased.

Bluepaintred said...

it's true though!!