Sunday, November 02, 2008

Less than 2 months away - update!

I went into the city very shortly after writing this post, mostly because I felt guilty we hadn't done more to prepare.

I feel pretty good about the trip. Logan is almost completly done now, Just stocking stuffers - and those are usually little things from the dollar soter, not something a high quality watch from Audemars Piguet!

Hubs will be stopping at Costco for a gift for my oldest niece tomorrow after work, and then both my nieces will be done. We have plans already for my father and Step Mother's gift - which, of course I won't mention here, as My Stem Mother (not the evil variety) often reads this blog!

I had started on Blake's gifts about a month ago, and picked up a nice Shirt for Parker this trip in. I like to get the boys a complete outfit as well as a toy for chirstmas! (And on top of that, a gift from Santa) Logans santa gift has been bought, and we will pick up the boy's Santa gift one each ont eh next two shopping trips.

So yeah. I feel really good about how close we are to finishing now!

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