Thursday, October 30, 2008


I read this morning that Halloween ranks highest of favorite holidays for kids.


Not only do they get to dress up, but they get to go out and get bags of candy! BAGS.OF.CANDY! I mean, Halloween is my favorite holiday too! I get to stay inside the warm house while Hubs takes the boys out door to door, and then I get to go through their bags, picking out my favorite candy and putting it aside for ME!

I guess the only downside to Halloween is having to turn off the security systems and opening the door for goblins and ghosts all night long!

(This year, we are giving out Play Doh instead of candy)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bummer about Halloween in my house is that the kids are too old to go trick-or-treating and share their loot! It's just not the same when you have to buy your own candy...Have fun tonight!