Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tattoo Talk

Today I had to run into the city for some icing making supplies. Line up six million and nine people and I will have the worst memory of them all.

I didn't want to forget anything on my list becuase I had no intention of driving allllllll the way back into the city so I jotted my list down on the inside of my wrist.

All day long I keep catching glimpses of black ink on my inner arm and it has absolutely cemented my desire for another tattoo. Well. to be honest, I have wanted another one for three years, but I did not know where I wanted it and becuase tats are for life, I wanted to be sure before I was inked.

I want it large, from my wrist to elbow (on the inside) and I want it to be feminine. Swirly. colorful, dramatic. Mike, the guy I go to for tattoos is an awesome artist, so I am going to give him those guidelines and tell him to go wild.

And I feel really good about this decision!

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