Monday, September 03, 2007


I know that technically this photo should have been deleted, but I love it! the angle, the blurriness, everything! I want to get it framed and hang the picture frame at an angle too!
Rainbow Man has spent a lot of time playing with the new pentax camera. Here is a picture he took of Tiggers' Jelly Bean toes!

And what day is complete with out a zoomed in close up of the chalk box? I'm amused at this photo becuase the chalks all seem so fat! They are just skinny regular sized chalk, but this far zoomed in they look like big ol' sidewalk chalks! Rainbow man seems to have a flare for angles, hey?
A bit out of focus, maybe, but Rainbow Man loves his brother, while his brother loves his puppy. This is a must keep shot!
And this is one of my favorites! Me and Stuperman. I have very very few photos of me and the boys becuase I am always the one behind the camera, now that Rainbow Man is stealing my camera right left and center, I am sure to get at least a few great shots of me and my boys!

1 comment:

Not a Granny said...

Yes, you need to hang the firt one in a silver frame at an angle!

Rainbow Man is a great photographer!