Monday, September 03, 2007

What On Earth

In August, My BFF had a ninety five dollar rent increase. Now, barely a month later, they have been told there will be an additional 200 plus dollar increase!

This is horrible!

I know that right now real estate is having a tough run of it, but the housing problems are getting ridiculous!

I have some friends who have been searching for a place to live for six months and every time they call, they find out there is a waiting list!

So what are they supposed to do? For kiss, the increase is annoying butno real hardship, for my sister, who lives in the same building it means she HAS to move. But where can she move when nothing is available? Should she invest in a fridge box and live under a bridge?

Something has to be done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big Daddy's brother is in a similar situation, but they have to move out because the building was sold and is being turned into condo's. Him and his gf have nowhere to live